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We are class 4/5 Bakti year 2010/2011 of SMK USJ 13, Subang Jaya. This class currently consists of 32 students. This blog is also open to the ex-baktians who went for boarding school.

Pn. Saraswathy
Muhd. Ariff
Soh Ming Han


-To fellow classmates that owns a blog , please leave your URL in the chat box.
-And those who are not in the profile section, that's because I do not have your picture.
So, please send it to me on facebook ASAP. Thank you.





August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011
Monday, August 30, 2010 7:35 PM
YO!! BAKTIANS!! this is IHATEBROTHERBLACK*ORI* here.... and i m here is to make a competition!! whoever find out my identity will win a surprise !!! and to the ihatebrotherblack copy cat, I HATE YOU EVEN MORE!!! there only one ihatebritherblack !! and that is ME!!!! so please copy somebody else, well today and bakti there is a .....an american football game i think idk la just ask brotherblack i think he know more...shocking isnt it? 
tht is it from the one and only IHATEBROTHERBLACK*ORI*

PS!! IBET ALL OF YOU KNOW WHO AM I right? if u dont i bet most of u are stupids....

Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:53 PM
WOOHOO!! I think we did a great job today in English class :o! We should've wrote that song for Mdm Lam XD! Damn! Ah well :P Time constraints! Thanks to everyone for the cooperation! English lesson was fun for me today :D! Especially since i brought my bear! Looks like he's welcomed into the Baktian group eh XD! And maybe I SHOULD bathe him ... someday... eventually! XD If I remember to HAHA! XD!

Eitherways! Good luck to the rest who are up for English Oral! =D! Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMALINA!! WEWT!!! And EARLY HAPPY BDAY TO FARAH~~!! Hope you guys enjoyed your bday! XD

Well! I don't really have much to blog about except the fact that my freaking internet speed sucks! I can't load my anime and it's driving me crazy! It keeps stopping at the climax! ARGH! F*** YOU STREAMYX!! T_T!
And yeah I love anime! Used to, then I stopped, then i'm back to loving it! XD ANYONE ELSE? :D!

Oh yeah! Had quite some fun with Dylan, Jen Sion and Brother B at Jeremiah's house today! XD The drumming was epic! XD

OH AND!! When Holidays are over, lets do NERD WEEK!!! just my 2 cents :3!

This is Rayhan, signing off!

Mak Cik Kau
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:28 PM
                 Hey, sup guys, it's Shahmi or better known in Bakti as Brother Black. I just thought of a thing we could do while I was taking a shower just now. While this blog showcases all the things we do when it happens in our wonderful class, then what about the things that happened before earlier in 2010?. Should we forget about them?. Hell no, those were freaking great times. And so, I would like to introduce something new called err "Bakti Chronicles"? or "Remember the time that..". So anyone who remembers something great and wonderfully fun that happened earlier this year you can tell it here and make everyone feel what's the word...nostalgic?. Yeah.

          And so I will now tell the first story that I remember right now. To me, that was a great school day in 2010.

               I seem to remember earlier this year Nina had a wooden.. how can I say this politely? Emm. Disco Stick that she got from Bali as souvenir from a friend. Anyway, one day, some of us this wonderful idea to lower that "thing" from the window to for the lower classes to see. One of us got this idea when we saw Adriz lowering the finished correction tape down from the window. Was it me or Mughis? I can't seem to recall who thought of doing that. And so, we used some "tali rafia" that we found lying in class and lowered it all the way down to 4 Cekal and started to swing it when the teacher was actually teaching. gahaha. Some of them actually tried to grab it. Haha. And I remember one point it actually fell all the way to the bottom and somehow had to go get it. On our second attempt we decided to combine the ties of the fellow baktians and lowered it down again. :)/ It might seem really stupid but that was suprisingly...FUN. Someone actually recorded what we did so if anyone has that video it would be cool if it was posted here

So if anyone remembers anymore fun Bakti stories from earlier this year please feel free to post about it yeah?
P. Freaking. S who ever tries to change my posts again I will bring hell over you. Peace/ :)

Brother Black

Monday, August 23, 2010 8:21 PM

6:08 PM
Hey guys,

So, today as you guys know, before maths started we had a certain 'visitor' who dropped by. Damn seeing the visitor's face early in the morning wasn't really the best way to start my day. Thank god she didn't looked up the ceiling see our 'marvelous' decorations. Or else we are definitely SCREWED. Today for me definitely was not the best day, everyone somehow seemed annoying to me especially you MUGHIS. YOU. I feel like beating that bastard at times. Oh wait, I did. Seriously today, if anyone had ticked me off I'd be all ninja/samurai/ahlong/assassin on them. Anyway, to all of you who I'd might accidentally give a cold shoulder to, I'm sorry. And mughis, your a good friend. BUT YOU CAN BE DAMN ANNOYING AT TIMES!

I would like to add a little bit more. A funny thing happen today. You guys know Adriz is right? The type who's a loner in class and doesn't usually interact in class. I guess. Well today during english he tried to pulled of a gay-ish + arrogant introduction to me. It was hella funny and should be on video. damn. btw, liyana, hug hug.


So, until then, cheers,

ps: dont change people's post really. it's bloody rude.

Hola !
Saturday, August 21, 2010 10:57 PM
Hey guys, i was forced to update this blog. Haha. Anyway, thanks to HADHINAH for the superb blog. Really appreciate it. I'm proud to be in 4 Bakti. Yeah, as what George said 'i never wanna move class '.

The group singing was very exciting. Miss Anis, i love you teacher! I wish you will organize another exciting event before you leave us. We will never let you down again. And we will be 'good children' whenever your lecturer is around. PROMISE.

Okay, that's all for now. Adios.

Liyana Alonso.

Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:38 PM

  This is Jen Sion rappin here~ :D
Awesome blog hadhinah!

Anyways~ I got an awesome suggestion~ >D everyone in our class should like make a uber catchy nickname~ Like shahmi already got his awesome Brother B and Aiman the EYEMAN~

Who's UP! >D Find a day and write everyone's name on the whiteboard and everyone go fill up their desirebly uber catchy nickname! >D

With Regards from the Jen~

Our Song.
6:23 PM
Based on the themes of the drama Gulp & Gasp.

  • Unconditional Love
(Farah's Group)

Blind Girl, White Rose
makes Percy go 
All the people at the railway
High heels, pretty dress
makes Percy go

Percy, Percy, Percy oh
Percy, Percy, Percy no

Percy, Percy, Percy oh
Percy, Percy, Percy no

Rose will always be his one


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Fufu Yoyo
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:59 PM
                  Sup. This is my 3rd post already, that must mean I'm really this blog. :). Thanks again Hadhinah School was boring as hell today, we had 4 periods of BIO with Cik Tan. 4 freaking periods. F**K, for those who skipped school today, consider yourselves lucky. The best part today was probably Mughis being sounded by Robiah or the "The Wart" gahaha. Regarding the song for Miss Anis, I've already had a meeting with some other fellow Baktians and we already have some ideas on how to do it. Might be mixing songs like "Sorry Blame it on Me-Akon", "Sorry" by Buckcherry, S"orry Seems to be the Hardest Word"or something of the sort as for the lyrics, we'll have to work on that.

P.S: Best of luck for the song presentation tomorrow guys, and whoever changed the name on my last post for Brother Black to Brother Black the very Black, if I find out who you are, I'll get you. :). Actually its kinda catchy.

Brother Black the extremely Black the f**king black

8:04 PM

SO YEAH!!! ANY THOUGHTS ON NERD WEEK? >D >D >D! Maybe after Ramadhan :O! (hope i spelled it correctly)! AND I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU HADHINAH! I hope school was boring cause I ponteng-ed with Jen Sion XD! We walked passed school and saw Padli then we change route to the 2nd USJ 13 padang and sat on the swings for 1 hour then went to USJ 18 padang and sat on the swings there for another hour then went to his house XD! Awesome man!!

SO! How was school today? :O! Personally I don't do homework so yeah XD! Leave me out on homeworks :P! What about the song for Cik Anis and the lecturer? :o! IT'S TOMORROW!! WE NEED TO GET WORKING XD!


This is Rayhan, signing off! :D

6:48 PM


It's me, your very own ah long, Hadhinah. Hope you guys are loving the blog, tho it was made in a short time. Maybe I'll change the layout in the future and add more stuff. Anyway, thanks to those who's been posting on the blog, the others? GET YOUR FINGERS MOVING yaww.
I hope school today was boring because I'm absent. hehehe :D 
Hmm. I'm bored. Chioww!

Pray that I do not punch you, with love,

Segi Kampai
5:52 AM
                     Sup guys, (and ladies of course) its Brother B aka brother BLACK THE VERY BLACK in the house. Gahaha that's cheesy. Anyway I just would like to say I second the idea of writing that surprise song for Miss Anis and Madam err  Chang?. Wing? Long? or was it Schlong? Schlort? Well whatever her name is. I want to start working on it as soon as possible so any ideas will be gracefully accepted.

P.S: I still can't get over when Mughis said "Ladies first, I'm a lady, can't you see" I still laugh a bit when I think about it.

Brother Black the very black

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:10 PM
Okay, this section is dedicated to homeworks. So, this post can be edited by anyone with the latest info. :)

Bahasa Malaysia
-Rumusan in One Target make sure to complete it from Praktis 1-10
-complete all the tatabahasa section in One Target 

-Oral everyone, who's next better be prepared!

Add Maths
-Chapter 8, P1- (a-h) , P2- (a-h)





-Hands on.

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Headline and Post
8:48 PM
Bonjour fellow readers. 

First of all, many thanks to Hadhinah for all the effort you had to go through to make this awesome blog. We promise not to terrorize the blog like what mughis did to the class ceiling :D I request all the other top secret Bakti quest is posted here, like the plan to kill Datin R*****. 

For other classes who reads this blog and wants to compare. Let me tell you little bit about Bakti. We are united idiots, we have and all timer sleeper ( Brother Black) our very own Lady Gaga (Ming Han), ketua taiko that changes everyday. A lot of country and conquest. The every day adventure to make certain teacher want to rip our head off. The constant stupid joke by Mughis. and yada yada.

Btw did you see Pn Zuana's face when she saw the ceiling. PRICELESS! hahahhaa. Brother Black we have a new mission, we have to find the perfect song for miss anis pronto! i suggest Lean On Me. What's today homework?

Outta here, 
Nina Ozil

7:10 PM
YO!!! WAAZZZZUPPPP~!~!~!~!!!! XD! Special THANKS to HADHINAH for making this AWESOME blog for us BAKTIANS to crap in >D!!

So! First of all, don't forget we're all gonna apologize to Cik Anis(?)! is that how you spell it? XD! SO! WHAT ABOUT THE SURPRISE SONG FOR HER O:! And the lecturer too? :O! WE GOTTA START WORKING GUYS! XD!

OH yeah!! Besides that, here's an idea to make us more epic... let's make a special week on each month? or each week a special week? Just a thought but might be kinda impossible to pull it off, not sure anyone might wanna do it or not as well =\! Just my two cents though! Anyway! It's like, this week will be Nerd Week! Everyone has to gel their hair to one side and pull their pants high and wear a tie that's almost buttoned up! XD Not sure bout girls though, how do nerdy girls look like? O_O! SO! Anyway! Yeah, just my two cents :P! COMMENTZ! It'd be awesome! XD "If one person does it, it's weird. If everyone does it, it's cool." quoted by Jen Sion! XD! Though if we're gonna do this, cooperation is needed :P!


This is Rayhan, signing off! XD!

Sup Homies.
Monday, August 16, 2010 11:06 PM
Sup. Let me officially rasmikan the blog as the first brother to post on this blog. Let me just start by saying thank you to Hadhinah for creating this blog for all of us to enjoy, and I hope the rest of our Bakti "conquests" will be posted here in the future. If you don't I'll kill all of you, cause' I'm Don Carlo and I'm badass like that. 

 P.S: It sucks that Angelina Jolie got rescued instead of Don Carlo, "Salt" wasn't that good anyway, what the world really needs is more mafia. Curse you Captain Jack Sparrow.

Brother Black

Welcome. Rules.
Sunday, August 15, 2010 10:27 PM

Hello, Hi, Konichiwa,

Welcome to 4 Bakti 2010 official blog.

To dear classmates, if you wish to post an entry, ask the password from Hadhinah.


  1. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT change the blogs template or go anywhere near the template. If you want to change anything, contact Hadhinah.
  2. Do not give the password to anyone else, except for classmates.
  3. Every time you make a post add your name so we'll know who's posting.
  4. Do not change or mess with other people's post. It's rude.
  5. If you guys want to talk bad stuff about someone, don't use their real name.
  6. Anything else, just contact Hadhinah on facebook or any other way.


About Us
Friday, August 13, 2010 4:28 PM
4 BAKTI 2010

Our class is currently made up of 32 students, minus some went to boarding school. Our class teacher is Pn. Saraswathy. Class monitor Ariff and his assistant, Ming Han. So, like any other class, our class is awesome. All kinds of students from different backgrounds and races come together. We do have our own cliques, but when the time comes, we work together. So, get to know us better.

List of Students

1. Ahmad Mughis Hussien
2. Adriz Adil Putra
3. Soh Ming Han
4. Joshua Jude
5. Tan Wei Harn
6. George Joshua
7. Aiman Basyar
8. Amir Shahmi
9. Tan Zi Bin
10. Brandon Lau
11. Dylan Khoo
12. Rayhan Tee
13. Goh Her Jun
14 Tan Jen Sion
15. Luqman Hakim
16. Muhammad Ariff
17. Farah Nur
18. Nur Farzana
19. Syahirah
20. Hanina Ikmal
21. Nur Syazwanie
22. Hadhinah
23. Nur Liyana Alya
24. Amalina Allia
25. Yap Ee Won
26. Melissa Fong
27. Rilwana
28. Haswiny Deva
29. Tiffany Ho
30. Priya
31. Cheah Zhuoying
32. Chan Sue Yii

Music & Quote of the Month
5:21 AM
Ladies first. I'm a lady! -Mughis aka Angelina Jolie


Mike Posner is
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Thursday, August 12, 2010 2:29 PM

Amir Shahmi, 4th Oct.
Rayhan Tee, 11th March
Soh Ming Han, 9th March

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